Sonnet 42

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Sonnet 42

That thou hast her it is not all my grief,
And yet it may be said I loved her dearly;
That she hath thee is of my wailing chief,
A loss in love that touches me more nearly.
Loving offenders thus I will excuse ye:
Thou dost love her, because thou know'st I love her;
And for my sake even so doth she abuse me,
Suffering my friend for my sake to approve her.
If I lose thee, my loss is my love's gain,
And losing her, my friend hath found that loss;
Both find each other, and I lose both twain,
And both for my sake lay on me this cross:
But here's the joy; my friend and I are one;
Sweet flattery! then she loves but me alone.

— William Shakespeare

Traduction de François-Victor Hugo

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Le Sonnet 42 est l'un des 154 sonnets écrits par le dramaturge et poète William Shakespeare.

Texte original

Texte et typographie originale :

 THat thou haſt her it is not all my griefe,
And yet it may be ſaid I lou'd her deerely,
That ſhe hath thee is of my wayling cheefe,
A loſſe in loue that touches me more neerely.
Louing offendors thus I will excuſe yee,
Thou dooſt loue her,becauſe thou knowſt I loue her,
And for my ſake euen ſo doth ſhe abuſe me,
Suffring my friend for my ſake to aprooue her,
If I looſe thee,my loſſe is my loues gaine,
And looſing her,my friend hath found that loſſe,
Both finde each other,and I looſe both twaine,
And both for my ſake lay on me this croſſe,
   But here's the ioy,my friend and I are one,
   Sweete flattery,then ſhe loues but me alone.

Notes et références

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Sur les autres projets Wikimedia :

  • Sonnet 42, sur Wikisource
  • Analysis
  • CliffsNotes

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Les Sonnets de William Shakespeare
  • Fair Youth
  • Dark Lady
  • Rival Poet
The Lover's Complaint
  • icône décorative Portail de la poésie
  • icône décorative Portail de l’Angleterre
  • icône décorative Portail de la littérature britannique