Calvin University

Cross-Cultural Communication Final Exam

Student Name: Majakoti Sarita

Student ID Number: 202453383

1. Effective communication in virtual and cross-cultural teams  requires a combination of technical and interpersonal skills. What are strategies that can be employed to improve communication in these types of teams?  

Answer.. .

Here are some strategies that can be employed to improve communication in these types of teams:

A. Establish clear communication protocols:

  - Agree on preferred communication channels (e.g., email, video conferencing, chat platforms) and their appropriate usage.

  - Set guidelines for response times, meeting schedules, and document sharing.

  - Ensure all team members understand and adhere to these protocols.

B. Facilitate cultural awareness and sensitivity:

  - Provide training on cultural differences, etiquette, and communication styles.

  - Encourage team members to be mindful of cultural nuances and adapt their communication styles accordingly.

  - Foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

C. Leverage technology effectively:

  - Utilize collaborative tools (e.g., virtual whiteboards, file-sharing platforms) to facilitate real-time interaction and information sharing.

  - Ensure all team members have access to the necessary technology and are comfortable using it.

  - Provide technical support and troubleshooting assistance to address any connectivity or technical issues.

D. Practice active listening and empathy:

  - Encourage team members to actively listen, ask clarifying questions, and paraphrase to ensure understanding.

  - Be attentive to nonverbal cues and tone, which can be more challenging to interpret in virtual settings.

  - Demonstrate empathy and emotional intelligence when addressing team members' concerns or challenges.

E. Promote regular feedback and check-ins:

  - Establish regular check-in meetings or one-on-one sessions to address any communication breakdowns or misunderstandings.

  - Encourage team members to provide constructive feedback on communication effectiveness and areas for improvement.

  - Implement mechanisms for anonymous feedback to address sensitive issues.

F. Foster team bonding and social connection:

  - Schedule virtual social activities or casual conversations to build rapport and trust among team members.

  - Encourage informal interactions and the sharing of personal experiences to humanize the virtual interactions.

  - Recognize and celebrate team members' achievements and milestones.

2. Rico, whose company is based in South America, is going to meet  with Fiona, who represents a new business partner in Great Britain What strategies can Rico use to build rapport by communicating respect and interest toward Fiona’s culture? It may have more than    one answer.

A. Say a few words in English when he greets Fiona.

B. Given an opinion about a recent political scandal.

C. Talk about a book by an English writer he read recently.

D. Tell Fiona about the food poisoning he got in London.   



A. Saying a few words in English when greeting Fiona shows that Rico has made an effort to learn and use her native language. This gesture demonstrates respect and a willingness to adapt to her cultural norms, which can help build rapport.

B. Giving an opinion about a recent political scandal is not the best strategy, as it could come across as opinionated or even confrontational, potentially creating tension instead of building rapport.

C. Discussing a book by an English writer that Rico has read shows a genuine interest in Fiona's cultural heritage and literature. This shared interest can provide a common ground for conversation and help establish a connection between them.

D. Telling Fiona about the food poisoning he got in London is not a good strategy, as it focuses on a negative personal experience that does not contribute to building a positive relationship. It could also be perceived as complaining or criticizing the host country, which may be seen as disrespectful.

In summary, the best strategies for Rico to build rapport and communicate respect and interest toward Fiona's culture are to use some English when greeting her and discuss a book by an English writer he has read, as these demonstrate a genuine interest in her cultural background and a willingness to engage with it.

3. How does one overcome the cross-communication barriers of ethnocentrism, stereotyping, and misunderstanding?

Match the common barriers to cross-cultural communication with actions that can be taken to overcome them.

A. Ethnocentrism

B. Stereotyping

C. Misunderstanding



To overcome the cross-communication barriers of ethnocentrism, stereotyping, and misunderstanding, the following actions can be taken:

A. Overcoming Ethnocentrism:

  - Develop a greater understanding and appreciation for cultural differences.

  - Avoid judging other cultures based on the standards and values of one's own culture.

  - Cultivate an open and curious mindset to learn about and respect other cultural perspectives.

B. Overcoming Stereotyping:

  - Recognize that individuals within a cultural group are diverse and unique.

  - Avoid making assumptions or generalizations about a person's traits or behaviors based on their cultural background.

  - Actively seek to learn about the nuances and complexities of different cultures.

C. Overcoming Misunderstanding:

  - Engage in active listening and ask clarifying questions to ensure mutual understanding.

  - Be aware of and adjust for potential differences in communication styles, verbal and nonverbal cues, and cultural norms.

  - Foster an environment of open and respectful dialogue to address any misunderstandings that may arise.

By implementing these actions, individuals can work to overcome the common barriers to cross-cultural communication and foster more effective and meaningful interactions across cultural boundaries.

4. Lisa doesn’t jump to conclusions about an unusual habit her new coworker from China has.


That's a great example of overcoming stereotyping. By not making assumptions about her new coworker's unusual habit based on their cultural background, Lisa is demonstrating an open and non-judgmental mindset.

Some key things Lisa is doing to overcome stereotyping in this situation:

A. Avoiding making generalizations or assumptions about her coworker's behavior just because they are from China.

B. Keeping an open and curious attitude to try to understand the context and meaning behind the unusual habit, rather than immediately labeling it as "strange" or "wrong."

C. Resisting the temptation to stereotype her coworworker based on their nationality or ethnicity.

D. Showing respect and cultural humility by withholding judgment and making an effort to learn more about the different cultural norms and perspectives.

This kind of mindset and approach helps break down stereotypes and allows Lisa to engage with her coworker as an individual, rather than making assumptions based on broad cultural generalizations. It's an important step in building cross-cultural understanding and communication.

5. Omar realizes his parents always said that people from a certain country were lazy.


That's a concerning example of how harmful stereotypes can get passed down through generations. It's good that Omar is recognizing the biases his parents have expressed about people from a certain country being "lazy."

Some important things for Omar to consider in this situation:

A. Acknowledge that the stereotype his parents have conveyed is inaccurate and unfair. People's work ethic and character traits are not determined by their nationality or country of origin.

B. Reflect on how ingrained these kinds of cultural biases can become when they are repeatedly reinforced at home. Parents often unknowingly pass down their own prejudices to their children.

C. Make a conscious effort to counter this stereotype and avoid perpetuating it himself. Be aware of when he might be making similar unfair generalizations.

D. Seek out more accurate and balanced information about the country and culture his parents have stereotyped. Exposure to different perspectives can help challenge the biased views he's been taught.

E. Have an open discussion with his parents, if possible, to understand where their stereotype is coming from and politely push back against it. This can help break the cycle of prejudice.

The key is for Omar to recognize the flaws in the stereotype, take responsibility for not repeating it, and work to form his own unbiased views. Overcoming deep-seated cultural biases takes effort, but it's an important step toward more inclusive thinking.

6. When Jorge joins a cross-cultural virtual team, he learns about all other cultures, and gets a global clock and calendar.


Jorge's proactive approach to joining the cross-cultural virtual team is commendable. By taking the time to familiarize himself with the diverse cultures represented within the team, Jorge demonstrates his commitment to fostering mutual understanding and respect among team members.

Equipping himself with a global clock and calendar further showcases Jorge's dedication to effective communication and collaboration across different time zones. This strategic decision enables him to manage scheduling conflicts and coordinate meetings efficiently, considering the geographical dispersion of team members.

Jorge's investment in cultural awareness and time management tools not only enhances his individual effectiveness but also contributes to the overall cohesion and productivity of the cross-cultural virtual team. His proactive mindset and willingness to adapt to diverse working dynamics position him as a valuable asset in the team's pursuit of shared objectives.

7. Fill in the blank.

According to Alexander Thomas, Intercultural (competence ) is the ability to shape intercultural processes of action in such a way that solutions are found and misunderstandings are avoided or clarified so that the people involved can accept them.   

8. What is the role of global leadership in cross-cultural communication?


Global leadership plays a crucial role in cross-cultural communication by promoting understanding, respect, and effective collaboration among team members from diverse cultural backgrounds. Some key roles of global leadership in cross-cultural communication include:

A. Cultural awareness and sensitivity: Global leaders should have a deep understanding of different cultures, including values, customs, and communication styles, to navigate cross-cultural interactions effectively.

B. Communication skills: Global leaders must be skilled communicators who can adapt their style and language to suit the cultural preferences of their team members. Effective communication promotes clarity and minimizes misunderstand.

C. Conflict resolution: Global leaders should be equipped to address conflicts that may arise due to cultural differences. They must possess strong conflict resolution skills to facilitate constructive dialogue and find mutually acceptable solutions.

D. Building a inclusive team culture: Global leaders play critical role in fostering an inclusive team culture where all members feel valued,, and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives. This helps create a positive work environment and enhances team cohesion.

E. Leading by example: Global leaders set the tone for cross-cultural communication within team by modeling open-mindedness, empathy, and respect for diverse viewpoints. By demonstrating a commitment to cultural understanding and inclusivity, they inspire team to do the same.

In summary, global leadership in cross-cultural communication is essential for promoting effective collaboration, fostering understanding and creating harmonious work environment in diverse teams. By embracing cultural differences and leveraging them as strengths, global leaders can the complexities of cross-cultural communication and drive team success.

9. What is culture shock?


Culture shock refers to the feeling of disorientation and discomfort experienced by individuals when they are exposed to a new culture or way of life that is significantly different from their own. This can include unfamiliar customs, traditions, social norms, language, and overall lifestyle. The experience of culture shock may involve feelings of anxiety, frustration, and confusion as individuals navigate and adapt to the new cultural environment. It is a common phenomenon for people who travel, study, or work in foreign countries or multicultural settings.

10. According to Kenneth W. Thomas, what are two dimensions for conflict resolution strategies people usually follow and     arranged them?


Kenneth W. Thomas identified two dimensions for conflict resolution strategies: assertiveness and cooperativeness. These dimensions are arranged in a grid or matrix known as the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI). The five conflict resolution strategies in the TKI model are:

A. Competing: High assertiveness, low cooperativeness

B. Collaborating: High assertiveness, high cooperativeness

C. Compromising: Moderate assertiveness, moderate cooperativeness

D. Avoiding: Low assertiveness, low cooperativeness

E. Accommodating: Low assertiveness, high cooperativeness

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  1. Tim Bienz외, Portable Document Format Reference Manual Version 1.2, Adobe Systems Inc., 1996년 11월 12일, ISBN 0-201-62628-4, 2011년 6월 21일 확인 Archived 2005년 11월 3일 - 웨이백 머신 중 19면
  2. PDF 파일을 만들거나 읽을 수 있게 만들어진 소프트웨어
  3. Prag A Tool[깨진 링크(과거 내용 찾기)] 2011년 6월 21일 확인
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