Henri Laborde, Montpezateko Kondea

Henri Laborde, Montpezateko Kondea

Irudi gehiago

Consort of Denmark (en) Itzuli

1972ko urtarrilaren 14a - 2018ko otsailaren 13a
JaiotzaTalança, 1934ko ekainaren 11
Herrialdea Frantzia  1967ko ekainaren 9a)
 Danimarka  (1967ko ekainaren 10a -
BizilekuaAmalienborg jauregia
Lehen hizkuntzafrantsesa
HeriotzaFredensborg jauregia, 2018ko otsailaren 13a (83 urte)
Heriotza moduaberezko heriotza: pneumonia
AitaAndré de Laborde de Monpezat
AmaRenée-Yvonne Doursennot
Ezkontidea(k)Margrethe II.a Danimarkakoa  (1967ko ekainaren 10a -  2018ko otsailaren 13a)
  • Etienne de Laborde de Monpezat (en) Itzuli
    Françoise de Laborde de Monpezat (en) Itzuli
LeinuaHouse of Laborde de Monpezat (en) Itzuli
HeziketaLycée Gambetta (Cahors) (en) Itzuli
Parisko Unibertsitatea
Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales
Jarduerakpoeta, idazlea, artista bisuala, piano-jotzailea, eskultorea eta aristokrata
Jasotako sariak
  • Ohorezko Legioko gurutze handia Ohorezko Legioko gurutze handia
    Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit
    Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order
    Grand Cross of the Order of Wissam El Alaouite Grand Cross of the Order of Wissam El Alaouite
    Commander of the Order of Agricultural Merit Commander of the Order of Agricultural Merit
    Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Falcon Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Falcon
    Hiru Izarren Ordena, 1. klasea Hiru Izarren Ordena, 1. klasea
    Nersornaat in gold  (2003ko ekainaren 2a)
    Grand Cross of the Military Order of Christ Grand Cross of the Military Order of Christ
    Grand Cross Special Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany Grand Cross Special Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
    Order of the Star of Romania Order of the Star of Romania
    Knight of the Order of the Elephant Knight of the Order of the Elephant  (1967ko ekainaren 10a)
    Grand Order of Queen Jelena Grand Order of Queen Jelena
    Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
    Order of Stara Planina Order of Stara Planina
    Order of the Yugoslav Star Order of the Yugoslav Star
    Order of the Nile Order of the Nile
    Order 23rd of August Order 23rd of August
    Supreme Order of the Renaissance Supreme Order of the Renaissance
    Order of Diplomatic Service Merit Order of Diplomatic Service Merit
    Grand Star of the Decoration for Services to the Republic of Austria Grand Star of the Decoration for Services to the Republic of Austria
    Royal Order of the Seraphim Royal Order of the Seraphim  (1972)
    Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Olav‎ Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Olav‎
    Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum
    Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath
    Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George
    Karlos III.aren Ordenaren Gurutze Handia Karlos III.aren Ordenaren Gurutze Handia
    Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland
    Grand Cross of the Order of the White Double Cross‎ Grand Cross of the Order of the White Double Cross‎ : Ivan Gašparovič, Eslovakiako presidente  (2012ko urriaren 23a)
    Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Dannebrog Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Dannebrog
    Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the White Rose of Finland Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the White Rose of Finland  (1973ko irailaren 4a)
KidetzaItsasoz-haraindiko zientzien akademia
Musika instrumentuapianoa
Zerbitzu militarra
Adar militarraDanish Defence (en) Itzuli
Frantziako Lurreko Armada
Parte hartutako gatazkakAljeriako Independentzia Gerra
Sinesmenak eta ideologia
ErlijioaDanimarkako Eliza
Erromatar Eliza Katolikoa

IMDB: nm1254555 Discogs: 4703943 Find a Grave: 244222925 Edit the value on Wikidata

Henri Laborde, Montpezateko Kondea (Talence, 1934ko ekainaren 11Fredensborg jauregia, 2018ko otsailaren 13a) Danimarkako printze konsorte izan zen, Margarita II.a erreginaren ezkontidea.

Artikulu hau Danimarkako biografia baten zirriborroa da. Wikipedia lagun dezakezu edukia osatuz.

Autoritate kontrola
  • Wikimedia proiektuak
  • Wd Datuak: Q1389258
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark / Q1389258

  • Identifikadoreak
  • WorldCat
  • VIAF: 79119335
  • ISNI: 0000000368581035
  • BNF: 12549314t (data)
  • GND: 119127342
  • LCCN: n82037318
  • SUDOC: 034774203
  • Ondare historikoa
  • FMIS: LSH/agents/13688
  • Wd Datuak: Q1389258
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark / Q1389258